Query groups
A Query group contains a TexQL query statement. When the group is retrieved the query statement is executed and the resulting records displayed. The TexQL statement can contain any where
clause with any operators to define the records to be retrieved.
The screenshot below show a typical Query group:
Note: Query groups can only be created in the Groups module.

Note: Query groups can only be created and edited in the Groups module.
To create a Query group:
- Add a New record in the Groups module.
Note: Note that the creator of the group is identified in the Group Owner fields.
- Enter a descriptive name for the group in the Group Name field.
Note: The group must have a name.
- Select the Query Radio button.
- In the Module: (Group Type) field enter the name of the source module for the records for this group.
Note: Records in a group must come from a single module.
- Select the Query tab.
- Enter the a TexQL statement in the Group Query field.
The format of the TexQL statement must be:
select all
from table
where clausewhere:
is the name of the module that will execute the search. This must be the same as the value in the Module: (Group Information) field.
can be any valid TexQL query clause and may include references to other modules (joins) and operators.
- Save the record: